Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The first people we told were our friends and parents, who were over the moon. But for our extended family, we wanted to surprise them. At a get together that my aunt had for my side of the family, we decided to tell them through being sutble and letting them find out for themselves. I used my left hand to hand out an apple to my Aunt Geralyn, and she let out a scream of joy. My family was informed, and I will be honest: there were some mixed responses with the announcement. Some were happy while other were doubtful that we would be able to do it.

Catherine's family was next, and she told them the same way I did at her uncle's birthday party; she extended her left hand to get some ambrosia salad, and they all knew. They were very, very excited for the both of us. However, her cousin Bradley took her aside and told her that us getting married here and now wouldn't be possible, unless we hightail it to California.

Screw the government. We were going to be married, law and society be damned.

We already had designs for our wedding gowns, courtesy of Naomi, who drew them up. We picked a date in June 2012, two years from then, in which we would invite our dear friends and family members to. The colors we were to use were light pink and lavender, and the flowers were to be roses and lilacs. The wedding would be wonderful, sunny, a dream come true.

...I remember now. Things started to go downhill from here.


  1. Sounds like you need to concentrate on you right now. If I might be so bold, is Catherine part of your life right now? Or is your relationship over? If it's the latter, I know she's been a big part of your life and you've found a lot about yourself through her, but I think you need to let her go and concentrate on "you" for awhile.

    Going over what happened and what could have gone wrong isn't going to help you, trust me, I know :)

    1. I know, Jordan. I know. But what happened wasn't anything of the norm or even remotely natural. Something happened to her, but I don't know what. I am writing all of this down to get it all out, and maybe someone who reads it will tell me that Catherine is alive.
