Monday, May 7, 2012


Our first anniversary wasn't anything special; we stayed at her house, ate ice cream and watched a few movies. I don't care what anyone says: Moulin Rouge was one of the best movies ever made. In inspired Catherine to make a themed restaurant based on the actually place itself. People would have come around from everywhere just to go there, had she done it.

Our second anniversary we spent with our friends. Music, dancing, movies, even baking treats for us to enjoy now and later. We played some video games, too. So in the end it was a pretty sweet party.

Our third was essential us taking a walk through these really nice woods, not the creepy ones near my old house, from which I long since moved out of. It was these other woods, in a park that we played in when were were little girls. It was the afternoon, and we were walking hand in had on a path that we just found. It was very romantic. Along the way, a beautiful deer scampered right past us and into another part of the forest. We just stood there and marveled at our luck to see that shy an animal that close. As we walked further, a fox scurried across our path and seemingly in the same direction of the deer.

I nudged Catherine and said, "They're all out for our anniversary." She laughed and we kept walking. Finally, Near the end of the path, we saw a crow pecking at something we couldn't see. As we got closer and closer, the crow stopped what it was doing and stared us down. Even as we walked past it, it didn't move, just glared at us. When it deemed us far enough, the crow continued its pecking. Odd.
We went back to my house and talked about the animals, then went out to a Japanese restaurant. The girls mentioned that it was beyond strange, bordering on eerie. Naomi put it best: "spooky creepy."

Our other anniversaries weren't anything special; just us being together and exchanging presents. I got her a lavendar diary one year, since that is her favorite color and she needed it. She got me a really pretty rose brooch, which I love to death. We did love doting on each other.