Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Birthday, Florence

Hey, I hope you had a wonderful day! Did you like the manga we got for you? We all pitched in and got it for you special.

I do want to let you know that I've been feeling better since the last time it rained. How many days ago was it, again? Can't remember, but I do recall the feeling of dread mixed with the smell of damp earth.

I had been running errands for my mom and I was on the phone with Florence at the time. She gushed over how much she loved the new Captain America move, how she had seen it three times already and wanted us to see it, too.

I shuffled the bags into the backseat of my car when I saw it again. Like the times before, it didn't move but stood at a reasonable distance away from me. I hastily ended the call, but not before telling Florence to keep her phone nearby just in case. It was then that the rain became a downpour, the raindrops drenching my hair and running into my face, forming a constellation on my long lashes.

Could this thing control weather?

Like a child I snuck into my car and waited until the heavy rain lightened. The radio had been reduced to static; no matter which channel I tuned to it was all  the same white noise. I flipped to channel 004 when I heard something...something I can't describe.

What I can formulate was it sounded like a chant--no, it was a chant. Through the static I swore I heard voices crying out eye-ah, eye-ah and then more things I couldn't decipher. I listened closer, and this is what I got:

Eye-ah ???, hear our voice

???, soul and voice of darkness

??? alal, hear our voice

Take our ??? we may hear you

Take our ??? so we may se you

I was chilled to the bone. I turned the car off and for a few blissful minutes all was silent except for the rain.

But that was ruined when I looked through was standing only nine feet away from me. I could do nothing but stare in horror. I did not scream; I couldn't scream. The fear had silenced me.

I shut my eyes tight and cried, my heart beating like a drum in my chest and the sickening feeling that it was leering at me. Please go away, please go away, please go away...!!

The rain stopped completely; the only evidence of it was the dark clouds and the wet surfaces. I hesitated to start the car, but through the anxiety I found it in me to do so. The radio was back to normal and I drove home with the alternative rock station blaring.

I called Florence when I pulled into the driveway, hands still shaking.


"Ellie? Holy shit, are you alright?"

"I...Flo, listen. I don't--I think that I...something almost jumped me."

"What did he look like?" she snarled out protectively, "Who tried to hurt you? Did he have a knife or anything?"

"No! He--it didn't have anything." Just the possible power over nature. "He was just really scary looking and I didn't feel safe. I hid in my car and he...lost interest, I suppose. I'm home now, though! And feeling much better now that I'm talking to you." That wasn't a lie. The sun had started to peek through the clouds and Florence's voice eased my nerves.

She sighed, "All right then. If anyone tries to fuck with you, just call me and I'll burn them alive."

"I love you too, Florence."

"I'm serious."

"I know, I know," it felt good to laugh out the words, and after some minor small talk the call ended.

I really am feeling so much better...I just don't want it to rain anytime soon.

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